Social Innovation News Feed

Need to stay up to date on social innovation developments but feel overwhelmed by information overload? Consider subscribing to SIRC’s curated Twitter feed.

Our Twitter feed tracks major developments and new reports on all the topics covered by SIRC’s blog, including:

  • the Obama administration’s innovation and evidence agenda;
  • related developments on Capitol Hill;
  • pay-for-success/social impact bonds; and
  • selected federal innovation programs like the Social Innovation Fund.

Each tweet consists of a headline and link to the relevant news source or report. To avoid information overload, there are no random comments and no redundant tweets.

To sign up, simply “follow” SIRC’s curated news feed on Twitter.  You can also sign up for SIRC’s email list (see the box to the right) for less frequent updates just once or twice per month.

This entry was posted in Evidence, Performance Management, Social Impact Bonds / Pay for Success, Social Innovation Fund. Bookmark the permalink.